We believe there is a better way to do physical therapy and our patients and outcomes support our approach. We do not practice cookie-cutter physical therapy but offer a unique and successful approach to improving each individual patient’s health. But don’t take it from us, see what our patients are saying (below) or click here to learn more.

“I love their 1:1 doctor-patient ratio.” Mike O’Neil – patient since 2008

I’ve been to a lot of physical therapy practices and theirs is the only one that offers a 1:1 doctor-patient ratio. It allows them to observe and assess my movement issues carefully and thoroughly, diagnose the condition correctly and establish the most effective treatment approach. No hand-offs to assistants!

“They use a wide range of treatment techniques.” Bill Kampine – patient since 2010

Unfortunately, I have had a variety of MSK problems and even a few surgeries. I am super-active and for most of my adult life sought treatment uniquely in the healthcare delivery system – until a friend recommended that I see Josh. Working with Josh has completely changed the way I think about treating injuries and it has resulted in fewer episodes of back pain, faster recovery and improved flexibility. Josh has helped me understand the right treatment, identify underlying causes and find stretching or other therapies that have kept me pain free, active and​ out​ ​of the healthcare delivery system for years.

“They fix the cause not just the symptoms.” Jason Turan – patient since 2015

I appreciate the fact that they identify the movement issues that I have which cause my symptoms – and then work with me to change those movement issues to prevent reoccurrence.

“They minimize follow up appointments.” Rick Leach – patient since 2014

This is the first physical therapy group that I’ve been to that doesn’t over-schedule follow up appointments. They don’t care about using all the visits that your insurance will pay for (and then trying to get approval for more) and don’t waste your time with follow up visits that consist merely of having an assistant walk me through my exercises.

“They make sure I know how to do my home exercises.” Colin Hewett – patient since 2016

They spend a lot of time making sure I know how to properly do my “homework” and have even had me pull out my phone and take a video of them doing the exercises and making sure I know how many reps and sets to do. Otherwise, I either forget how to do them or do them wrong.

“It’s a great environment.” Leigh Zimmerman - patient since 2013

Everyone there is motivated and committed – both the staff and the patients. It is a fun yet intense place and not at all like the impersonal franchised physical therapy offices I’ve been to in the past.